Shiny Chance
This tool will give you the percent chance of having found a shiny by a certain number of encounters for certain odds. At a certain point, the tool will either round up to 100% chance, or down to a 0% chance, despite neither being never truly possible.
How many encounters have you done?
What are the odds of your hunt?
Shiny Odds Key
Generation | Base | Masuda | Shiny Charm | Shiny Charm + Masuda |
Gen I - IV | 1/8192 | 1/1638 | - | - |
Gen V | 1/8192 | 1/1365 | 1/2371 | 1/1024 |
Gen V-IX | 1/4096 | 1/683 | 1/1365 | 1/512 |
1. A special thanks to Professor Rex who put together the original !chance command on Twitch!
2. Bulbapedia
Last updated 03/12/2024